An individual or company that loans money quickly at a higher cost. You are not a bank. Terms of your hard money loans will be negotiated between you and the borrower, Back To Life Homes. These loans will typically use the property funded as collateral.
A non-institutional lender that loans money. You're not tied to any major bank or corporation and you do intend on profiting from the loan to Back To Life Homes. The way you do that is by charging interest on the loan and using the property as collateral.
A second lender that brings in a loan to Back To Life Homes, the borrower, to bridge the gap between what a HML or PML provides and what is still needed out of pocket. You receive a Deed Of Trust until your loan is paid off. You are also known as a JVA. Junior Venture Agreement investor.
A DSCR lender uses a financial metric to assess an entity's ability to generate enough cash to cover its debt service obligations. These obligations include interest, principal, and lease payments.
OUR SERVICES help you receive healthy returns on your money. At Back To Life Homes, we specialize in buying, rehabbing and selling properties as well as investing in rental properties for long term residual income. Whether you're a first-time lender or an experienced one, we help your money grow in the SHORT AND LONG TERM
OUR TEAM consists of experienced real estate agents, contractors, designers etc who are dedicated to our real estate needs helping our investors achieve healthy returns on their hard earned money. We ensure this by securing your loans with only solid tangible assets. REAL ESTATE
OUR MISSION at Back To Life Homes is to provide our investors with the best possible experience. We strive to exceed expectations and provide exceptional customer service every step of the way. Our goal is to help your money grow. We know you have questions. WE HAVE ANSWERS
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